Hedge mustard is a plant native of Europe and North Africa, it is now well
established throughout the world. It is an annual herb growing to 2 ft by
1 ft. Initially, it forms a low rosette of basal leaves, which is followed
by flowering stalks with alternate leaves. The stems are light green to
purplish green, and usually glaucous. The basal and lower alternate leaves
are up to 8" long and 2" across; they are pinnately dissected with several
pairs of narrow lobes. The upper leaves are up to 4" long and 1.5" across;
they are divided into 3 lobes or lanceolate-ovate in shape. The upper
surfaces of these leaves are dull green and hairless; their margins are
irregularly dentate or shallowly cleft. The basal and lower leaves have
long petioles, while the upper leaves have short petioles or are
stalkless. The upper stems terminate in long slender racemes of yellow
flowers up to 10" long; axillary racemes from the upper leaves are also
produced. The flowers are concentrated toward the apex of each raceme,
while small narrowly cylindrical seedpods develop below. Each flower is a
little less than ¼" across; it has 4 yellow petals, 4 green to yellow
sepals, a stout central style, and several stamens.
Identification credit: Tony Rodd, Krishan Lal
Photographed at Manali, Himachal Pradesh.
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